Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Sailing Through 2024: What’s Happening in The Cruising World?

Sailing Through 2024: What’s Happening in The Cruising World?

The world of cruising is always changing with new ships, destinations, trends, tips, and hacks. There is always something new. That's why you're interested in this blog title, and so are we. So let’s take a short cruise in the sea of the cruising world.

1) The Maiden Voyage of The World’s Largest Ship:

It feels like cruise lines are in a race to make cruise ships bigger, and they truly are. Well, it’s interesting because it’s technology, creativity, and human potential taking one step further every day. So, if you are a fan of the world’s largest cruise ship, the “Icon of The Seas,” here is an update for you: it just made its maiden voyage. If you're interested in cruisers' opinions about the new giant, let us know in the comment section. Our next post might cover that.

2) Any New Themes in Themed Cruises?:

There is a cruise theme for every type of interest and hobby; that’s why cruise themes are emerging every day. From Princess Cruises‘ new Love Boat-themed cruise to culinary-themed cruises or celebrity-themed cruises for fans of sensations like Taylor Swift, there is always a new theme on the list. But one exciting trend that has just come up is TikTok’s invasion of a nine-month cruise called the Ultimate World Cruise by Royal Caribbean. The famous TikTokers on the cruise shared their experiences, and now it has become kind of a real 'Reality TV Show.'

3) The Rules of Cruising, Are There Any Changes?:

If you are in love with the extraordinary beauty of European cruise destinations and are planning a trip there, we have an update for you. The European Union is heading towards new border control rules, which might be finalized this year or the next. The updates may include biometric verification and an electronic travel authorization system. So, if you want your next cruise in EU countries to be as smooth as possible, keep an eye on this trend.

4) New Type of Destinations Unlocked?:

As ships are getting bigger and carrying more passengers, many destinations will no longer be able to handle them. Bigger ships mean more pollution for the port, and more people mean extra crowding in big cities. So, many destinations are showing their eyes to the cruise lines. Cruise lines are heading towards more exotic, undiscovered, and distant destinations, making adventure cruisers and sustainability advocates more excited. This may be the cause of the trend of private island destinations being offered by cruise lines.

5) Not Just Ships, Cruisers Are Getting Smarter Too:

Cruising is more than just a mode of traveling; it’s an adventure and a passion. And since everything in the cruise industry is always changing and improving, true cruising lovers are also finding new ways to make themselves immune to these changes. Whether it's embarking on longer journeys or experiencing distant and exotic destinations, they are equipping themselves with the necessary tools and accessories. If you think you have missed this trick, explore these accessories now.

Thanks for Reading!

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