Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

How to severely reduce the risk of CoronaVirus and NoroVirus on your next cruise.

How to severely reduce the risk of CoronaVirus and NoroVirus on your next cruise.

SHIP-EEZ Virus Defense, Made for Cruisers.

SHIP-EEZ Virus Defense, Made for Cruisers.

Step 1: Pack the right supplies.

If you're serious about deep cleaning your cabin, you'll need to come prepared with the right gear. First, your gonna need cleaning supplies, such as SHIP-EEZ NoroVirus Disinfectant wipes. Not all travel wipes and cleaners kill NoroVirus, so if that's your goal, these are the safest bet. Also, pack a zip-top bag; disposable gloves and dish soap are optional.

Step 2: Don’t put your bags on your bed.

When you first enter your room with your bags, don’t put them on the bed or couch. Should there be any bedbugs, direct contact with your bedding is their gangway to board your bed and treat you as their evening buffet. Leave your bags on the floor or put them on top of the provided thick mat over the coffee table or ottoman, that way you will keep bugs away from your bag and thus not bringing them home with you. 

Step 3: Wash your hands and and use Sanitizer frequently. 

On a cruise, there is so many public places to touch such as elevator buttons and railings and other public surfaces. Before you start your sanitization process, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. For twice the protection, you can pick up THIS sanitation gel, specifically made for cruising 

Step 4: Wipe down all door handles and light switches.

High touch areas are used by everyone in your cabin, as well as housekeeping and anyone else visiting your room. Give them a good wipe down as soon as you enter your cabin on embarkation day. I recommend repeating this process daily, after the room steward has cleaned your cabin.

Step 5: Wipe down bathroom surfaces.

Bathrooms can be germ central, wipe down all hard surfaces, including the toilet bowl, seat and lid.

Step 6: Quarantine the remote control.

It's general knowledge that one of the worst germ habitats in a hotel room is the remote. It is touched by every guest and with lots of crevices that can not be effectively wiped down properly. Pick the remote up with a tissue or gloves, put it in a plastic bag and zip it shut for the remainder of the cruise. You can still operate the remote, but never have to actually touch its surface.

Step 8: Clean hard surfaces in the cabin.

Wipe down hard surfaces, such as the night table, coffee table, deskshelves and chairs. You don't need to do them all, but prioritize surfaces where you will set down things that will go near your face or in your mouth. Think shelves that house glassware, or nightstands where you put your glasses or sleep masksz

Step 9: Wipe down the balcony.

Don't forget to clean your personal outdoor space by spraying or wiping down balcony railings and furniture. Put extra effort into places where you rest your arms and head and the table where you might be dining at occasionally.

Step 10: Don’t Use glassware in your cabin. 

Do you intend to use provided glassware for a glass of wine in your room or to rinse out your mouth after brushing your teeth? You'll want to clean those glasses (or totally avoid them) with soap and hot water before you use. If you haven't packed dish soap, the provided shower gel will work as well.

Step 11: Wear a mask

Popular in Asia for decades, is donning a face mask. This method is one of the most socially noticeable but also the most effective ways to prevent diseases such as noro and corona. On a recent cruise, it seems like the trend is starting to be picked up by Americans as well.

We have scoured the whole internet, these masks are sold out everywhere including on amazon. We found a company That still has a few dozen in stock and you can find them still available HERE

Step 12: 

Prevent SeaSickness 

A little off topic but one thing I do recommend for the overall heath an safety on a cruise is of course to prevent seasickness. I take THIS patch, which is actually formulated for Cruising. It has saved me on many trips and works 10xs more effectively the prescription or other OTC SeaSickness patches.

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